Thursday, April 9, 2009


Had a good night rest after an adventurous day.
woke up quite late today as there's no more classes
had lunch with the usual clique at the usual canteen2
slack at bunk..
trying to complete my mini project.

Xin Rong ask me if i would like to join them to Guan Gu Guang Chang 光谷广厂
they wanted to had their hair cut
but actual infact
they want me to lead them to the hair salon where i had my hair

i agreed to go with them
with my newly made spec.

when we reach the salon
i saw my hair washer standing at the door there..
should be taking a break i think..

when she saw me..
she was quite happy and smile at me
and we entered the salon..
saw the 店长 manager of the shop.

he wave and smile at me.. hahax
i'm easy to be recongise
always with a bright orange outershell
which i've borrow from a friend back in Singapore

Time for an mini makeover..
Xin Rong - a hair cut by the 店长
Jia He - had his hair dyed and hair cut by the 店长
Zhi Hui - Rebond his hair and trim by an...unknown hair dresser
as for me..
i would just sit there and wait

after 2hours with Xin Rong had his hair cut
and shop around with him

Jia He had his hair completed.
he look smart
after sawing his newly done hair with nice colour
he tempted both Xin Rong and i...
with much struggling, consideration
and keep saying about my many strands of white hair
we decided to dye our hair too..
its quite cheap..
93 Rmb - $21
cheaper as in having hair dyed in salon..
and so..
i had completed the wholepackage of my hair make over..
Permed / Rebond + Hair dyed + Hair Cut

First hand experience on alot of things in China..
espically on my hair..
first time perm & dyed hair

After everyone had his hair done.
We went off with a smile on our face.

Photo with the 店长
Jia He, Xin Rong, 店长 , me
Zhi Hui - camera shy.

we spent half of our day there..
and time to went back campus to had dinner and rest for the night.

Back at bunk.
Rush to completed my Mini Project
Mini Project interview with Mr . Ma tomorrow at 2.00pm sharp.

Good night.


Adventure Activity at WUST

Today would be the best day during of all the weekdays..

okay.. time to report was 8am at the so called ' park ' beside the campus.
but due to tiredness.. we woke up a little late..

because our campus is so near to the activity area
we were scared that the other group students from MDE & LSCT
would reach before we did..
so we had a take away breakfast..
eat while we walk~
Luckily that they have not reach before us
so we did some stupid stuff among our self for pure entertainment.

During the long period of waiting
the in-charge of today's activity gathered us and played some games.
forfeits are inevitable..

so we played till the other group reach.
The main activity begins
by sorting out people into groups of 4

for my group which include us ECE and MDE and LSCT peeps..
all mixture like Singapore's rojak.

Since we were been spread into groups
name and cheers/motto are next

So.. sitting around in a circle
name to suggest for our groups
and of course.. i gave my idea
' PERM '
as our group name
Well.. they do know that i have done something to my hair..
it's feels weird when people know you or your name
but yourself does not even know him/her.

so the name was later change to
motto: ' Alfro think it's possible '
*something like that..*

We're also given a flag, 2 maker and 2 paper
we got to design our flag..
so.. with all the Eye power shining on me...
i got no choice but to draw. =x
My master pieces.
Our leader and the flag.
They do look alike.
after deciding our name
the leader got to explain what it symbolise.
Explanation in progress..
As for our group
our flag does not symbolise any meaning..
just pure fun.

happiness in everyone is the most important thing right?
hahax.The Wall.

after some team bonding activity
its time for lunch.
as for the benefits for the Malays
i brought them over to the canteen2 in campus to have lunch.
a part time guide for the day

After lunch..
due to the majority request to take a look at our bunk..
we brought them over..

WHOA.. soo goood!!
replies after sawing our bunk

gave them on a little tour on each our apartment
rest awhile and go back to the activity holding area..
Before going for the activity
we had a so called warm up game
a game..
where the representative will collect the amount of material which the instructor asked
such as.. 6 strain of hair etc...
Me carrying Hashanah

look like constructor with that blue helmetMy turn to climb the wall.with bit of effort i manage climb to the top =x
when i safely reach back on earth..
Sebastian found that there's a slight cut on my knee..
he force me to clean it and apply some antiseptic

when i sat on the grass..
with Sebastian and Ernest beside
and both Ernest & i keep fighting for cleaning the wound. hahax

before i knew it
i found myself surrounded with peeps look at the small reddish cut.
Mr. Ma : " Tomorrow theory test is postpone till school starts "
Happiest moment for us.
After hearing it
this bunch of sillies rush to Mr Ma and took this happy moment.
ALFRO group shot.
i love my group.
with Kumar..
and Mei Yi
who will just get drunk from just drinking red tea

a simple ' Thank you ' ceremony for the instructor

after the event ended
Ernest was been appointed to lead the interested parties in taking nice scenery

the one and only personal shot for the day...
we dun dare to talk to each other =p
SEBASTIAN accidentally KISS me on my cheeks...
man.. that's gross..
Some Fun Shots!!

Enjoying the scenery

Eating the glowing pills..
Just love to hang around~

Jia He

after photo taking session
we head to the near by night stalls for dinner..
food here is really nice..
i will miss the food here when i get back to Singapore..
this photo reminds mi of those olden old old days
where people living in the mountains
with no water pipes transfering clean water
had to carry their own daily water from the foot of moutain to their house
manually on foot.

The happening day ended.


A day with no morning class , afternoon class still on.

actually i wanted to attend the optional 9am morning class but...
we are too tired
so.. as expected both Ernest and i woke up late
and waited for the rest to call us for lunch + breakfast.

Meet up the rest for lunch..
for the first time
Mr Chua join us for lunch
he follow the crowd and ordered fried rice
afterwards Ernest and i together with Siew Bo
went over to the school's Spectacle shop
Ernest wanted to make a pair of new spec
after so much of ' should i.... should i '
in the end..
i'm the one who made a pair of new spec
which cost me 280 Rmb - cheap China's transition lens + frame
and rush back bunk as we're late for the afternoon class.

during the class
Mr Chua took over Mr Ma as he was away in Tian Jing for APPG.
He revise with us
and really want us to do well for the upcoming test on Wednesday.

The class ended quite fast and we go back bunk by the WUST Adventure Slope Trail.
its was fun.

Had dinner and doing our mini project
as tomorrow 7th april 09
we had an Outdoor Adventure Day
as such to outward bound activity during secondary school
might be too exhausted to do any work.
imported from Singapore.
Mass tin brought by Ernest
he brought the materials
i do the cooking =p

went to bed hopping won't be late for tomorrow - 8am.