Monday, April 6, 2009


Day at Han Kou - Jiang Han Lu.
The day begins with a bright sunny sky, good weather to do some shopping!!

today Ernest didnt tag along, the rest of us woke up early so can prepare for the shoping later but.. he woke up at 2pm..

A Beautiful Flower
A Beautiful Day
while walking on the streets..
we came crossed a very amusing scene
Puppies with Zebra strips.
They are adorable.
but cost 2k rmb
and we not sure if the puppies are disease-free..
Kenneth 'ka cha'- ing
2 idiotic guy
1 big melting ice cream
1 innocent girl looking at them
Licking the melted ice cream
nearby the statue of the ice cream was a blood donation drive
it shows that in here, China, they have this similar activity like in Singapore
Blood Donation.

There are quite a handful of people at the door of the bus waiting to donate their blood
now, the problem is that...
the needles that been used for the blood donation.
do they do the same practice as in Singapore
which is used & throw needles
used and recycle the needles
where the word recycle seem to be more Eco friendly.

i personally think that they are more Eco friendly than in Singapore.
Found 1 yuan on the floor.
none of us pick it up..
what if it is cursed....
The busy street
Went to a mall, ATM
at the entrance of the building
there a make shift booth promoting the shop shampoo which is located inside of the mall
gave us this soap.
which is claim to be hand made aloe vera soap
it smell pretty nice.
Mud - Shu gen
with the graffiti at the side wall of the stairs
leading to the only male toilet in the building
Saw this stage banner at the back alley
Show - Luo Zhi Xiang

Astro Boy !!

After some window shopping comparing the best deal we could find
we are all famished
we get hungry easily..
just ate breakfast 2 hours ago..

Saw this person in the costume giving out flyer's stuff..
quite cute though.
It would seems that this 3 word might be familiar to you..
CCB - China Construction Bank.
wonder why is it called construction bank..
does it mean that only construction company can use this bank??
Me and Mrs Cow.
As for lunch
we decided to eat at Pizza Hut

the second international food restaurant we dine in.

Passion Fruit Tea or something like that..
Shu Gen, Kenneth, Cris and i share pizza..
we order quite a number of dishes and eat among ourselves
can have quite a variety of food to eat ^^

Smoke Salmon something something spaghetti
It very fragrance and tasty
especially the salmon~
it became a appetizer for both Kenneth and i
Enjoying Our meal
Cant stop eating
ho ho ho..
Cheesy Cheese !!
Group Shots.
*i'm taking the photos.. =(*
Solo shots.
With Shu Gen.
after 2 9' inch pizza
one plate of spaghetti
Shu gen suggest to me to have another pizza
well.. who would mind to eat MORE !!
and we order This!!
Very tempting

and sure it is..
which tempt Cris and Kenneth to chip in to eat
although they reject the idea of ordering another a few moment ago..
whats more...

after lunch we are all fuel up for more shopping.
we went back to the ATM building
to buy those what we like while window shopping before lunch

went to a shop..
outside of it there's another customer with a small cute puppy
Stephen : " Awww~
soooo cuteeee~ "

the puppy was indeed very cute.
The Love for Animals.
After having such a close contact with the puppy..
the idea of trying to taste dog meat was canceled..
The puppyis licking my outershell..
so cute~~
Yong Xin fellow ECE OIP friend.

After we get what we wanted
half of us were tired and wanted to get back to campus to rest.

Peeps stayed :
Shu Gen
Jit Siong

Shop at the streets stalls beside the ATM building..
whoa.. theres alot alot alot of streets stall
might get lost if sense of direction is poor.

while looking around..
saw this streets stall pet shop.
they sell snakes..
do the owner buy back as pet
to make some cheap snake wine....
Lizard for sale
quite cool..
if i'm allow to bring back
i would sure buy it back..
as well as a puppy
Night Lights of the shopping streets.
found another in a crocodile costume
we saw kids learning how to skate
at the open space of the streets..
lots of passer by would stop and watch the kids performances..
and i think that this is a good strategy in attracting more kids
to learn inline skates as the lesson were held openly with such a busy streets
Free Advertiment.

Time For dinner!!

care for your head.
Shots with one of the waitress

Hot Passion Fruit Tea again~
it taste much more better than i had eariler on during lunch at the Pizza Hut.
and cost much cheaper too...
Supreme Duo
Beef & Pork
with Red Wine
For me i've ordered
France Style lamb chop
i'm the only one with the small tea cup..
Happily eating.
no comment..The food is nice

dinner was splendid.

since it getting late its time to head back to campus..
took a cab back..
all of us were to lazy to take public bus

Got back bunk.
and saw this BIG BIG Cake!!

Today was Ernest's mum Birthday!!

and surpisingly it's also..

Shu Gen's birthday..
Satish's birthday..
Sebastian's birthday..
Siew Bo's birthday..
Zhi Hui's birthday..
Peng Ho's birthday..
Yong Xin's birthday..
Xin Rong's birthday..
Ya Lun's birthday..
Stephen's birthday..
some special birthday trick he showing..
lighting his cigrette with the lighted candle.
an easy task for him
Yu Lun's birthday..
and it ws my birthday as well..
Hwee Ping's birthday..
today is also their 5th years anniversay!!
just joking..
Lovely couple~~
Cake for SUPPER!!!!
Not forgetting..
Mr Ma's birthday..
and Mr Chua's birthday..

whoa hahahhahax..
lots of peeps birthday falls on this day.
So cool =x
Cake giving session..
10 mins after cutting the cake.
End of the day.
Left a quart of the cake which i think is already a good result
where some of them had jus had their dinner..

Day ended with a full creamy stomach.