Friday, March 20, 2009


Another normal day.
Today we are having Appg as usual.

Done some enhancement on Lab4, slack a bit in class and listen to music till class end - 5pm.
Got some rest in the bunk before dinner, in canteen2, then we went out of campus to get snack for tomorrow trip, Mount WuDang.

We went to the usual breadshop to buy loaf of bread as breakfast tomorrow, sad to say, our favourite flavour " Red Bean Paste Bread " was sold out.

(Tau Sa Bread)
the look and texture of it might mislead you
thinking that it's chocolate
anyway it's
fragrance, soft and nice.

In need of bread, we go futher down the street to another breadshop " Imperial Cake Shop " to source for nice tasty bread.
We bought the sponge cake bread, and 2 cakes.
Ernest: Fragrance Yam Cake
Jit Siong: Coffee Cake

Coffee Cake
Fragrance Yam Cake

Breifing in our appartment again, 9.30pm, reguarding about the Mt Wudang trip.
We will be taking cable car to the top of the Mountain.
An weekend trip, will be occupying up both saturdays and sundays.
Worst things is.... there will be a TORTURING ride for 7 plus hours..

END of Breifing.

We ate our cake, pack our day pack and off to bed.Looking at Ernest
He seems to be busy all the time, wonder what is he doing.

The result was release today, did'nt do well for this semester, quite disheartening, so got to work harder in next semester..crying under the blanket.....


Special lecture again at 8am by the local lecturer, teaching us about business etiquette.
The do and don't when meeting up with a client and he share his own experience dealing business around the world with the class, which make the class more interesting.

After the morning class, it's time for lunch!

In the afternoon class, we had to summarise of what we learn in business etiquette and business strategies which the business strategies we had to go through it ourselves before we can start summaries.

Besides that, Mr Chua had gave us another assignment, that is to go to the electronics streets where it sells lots of electronic stuff such as computers and mp3 player.

One of the mall along the street.
It's a bit like those Funan IT mall or Sim Lim mall

there are familiars brands such as apples, dell, hp

these electronic here are expensive as compared to Singapore
this is due to the import tax impose on the goods.
Shu Gen doing his hair with the reflection on camera lens
" Walkway for students
drive slowly "
This is not an illegal gathering.

Its time to head back to campus
so we decided to take the mini van back..
however the charge for one van of 7 seater cost 70 yuan.
OhmyGod! freaking expensive..
but we were smart enough not to take the mini van because the hippie driver is a CON MAN!!!
he keep saying that it cost 70 yuan because it need 2 and a half hours to our destination
and keep giving nonsense
where if we take the bus ride back to campus it only cost 2 yuan
and took around an hour to reach

As it was getting late so leaving with no choice we had to take the public bus back
where it will be very squeezy

For dinner we had it in the school
we had ordered ' Zhu Chao ' (煮炒)
the food was quite tasty
rice is FREEFLOW!!
and its cheap!!
i will really miss the meal time when i get back to Singapore..
Food back there are expensive and

Group4 photo!!


whoa. Got to wake up real early for a mini excursion to the " Wuhan Iron and Steel Corp" for a visit and see the process of iron / steel making.

By the way, got to thanks Ernest to wake me up...

We took a hour bus ride to to main branch of Wuhan University where is more urbanise with more shops and fun, to meet up with the other group. As usual, the seat, which is the most torturing part for me in this OIP trip. Both of my legs are numb again...

After reaching the industrial area, railways track are a common scene, they are like everywhere. This railways are for the raw material and processed end product to be import and export to the market by trains and of course the air was badly polluted.

The only thing that we saw when we went in was a red hot molten iron bar , it was so hot that even we are a few distance away, we still can feel the scorching heat..
The process from the hot molten thick steel bar to a long solidify steel strip was quite facinating and the noise produce was very very loud. After i went out of the place, i was particailly deaf. Just wonder how did those worker endured the loud noises and work there for years, i assume that some of them might have hearing problems or already deaf.

The visit was ended and it was really a mini one, it only last less than an hour, and i was thinking those long toruring traveling time i have gone through isit worth it?
Well, though most of the people would say it's not but i think it worth it.
It a good learning visit although it last less than an hour, it quite an interesting in compare to a normal one hour lecture where there's a high chance i would fall asleep.

It's quite disappointing that the process of making and transporting it was all automated, i was hoping to see some olden days style of steel making which is totally impossible.

Time to head back to campus.
During the ride, many of us fall asleep.
But theres a change of plan, Mr Chua let us have some free time at the " Lu Xiang Guan Chang " before the class which will start at 3pm rather then the usual 2pm.
The main issue was not this, infact it was the driver took 3 hours reach " Lu Xiang Guan Chang ", where earlier on the trip from our campus to the main branch university and to the industry took only two hours.

The usuals had decided to had lunch at canteen2 and 1APPG at 3pm.

A little recreation time after class, a game of basketball and then head for dinner at canteen2 too.