Friday, April 10, 2009


Time: 2.00am

Stomach status : Hungry.
People in bunk : Ernest , Jit Siong , Xin Rong , Jia He , Stephen

Activity: Maggie Mee party.

Flavour : Chicken.

We're like a pack of hungry wolfs...
I cook the noodles as usual and we ate it like... 5 mins
finish it up within an hour a full pack of noodles consist of 5 pack of noodles

The party last till 4.00am.. everyone was sleepy..
When i was going to sleep Xin Rong ask me in Msn if anyone watching the Sun Rise..
during that time Ernest was already asleep..

since i wanted to see the sun rise and found someone to accompany.. i agreed

So we decided to meet at 5.15am at Xin Rong bunk.

i keep myself awake by reading some online manga (comic) till 5.00am..
when it near 5.15am, i nudge Xin Rong on Msn alot of times.. spam.
with all the perserverence on nudging him..
finally i got a reply from.... Zhi Hui, Xin Rong's room mate.

Zhi Hui told me that Xin rong has already fall asleep..
So i told him that i going down in few mins time.

Went over to his bunk to wake Xin Rong up and prepare to watch sun rise
we invited Zhi Hui too..

i'm quite excited because Ernest didn't come along...
it is a good time to gauge my photography skills without the guidance of Ernest

We went to the highest point of WUST.
Time : 5.50am
To kill time...
before sun rise
we did some fun shots.
After awhile Xin Rong shouted THE SUN !!!
For the first time we saw sun rise in China.
The red sun.
The view was quite scenic
though the photos cant really show how pretty the sun is
i'm really glad that i came out to watch it.
Sun + Flower =
Sun Flower
Both of them appreciating the red red sun
Doing some fun shots~
When its near 7.00am
THE CAMERA's Battery FLAT !!!
leaving with no choice..
i got to go back and change battery.

After i took the newly charged battery..
went down to Zhi Hui & Xin Rong bunk..
Saw Sebastian & Satish still sleeping soundly..

out of curiousity..
and overheard that they nid to wake up at 7.00am
and get all ready and go to..
An Hui.
A home visit to Tom's house.
i had no idea who is Tom..

Out of good will..
i wake Sebastian up telling him that its 7.15am already..

he quickly wake up and thank me for it.
Took this photo while they just woke up
Look at Sebastian love his hair.
*On the left*
A Good Morning.

The Recycling Bin.


Bully by both of them..
i should not have kick Zhi Hui face in the first place =p

Graffiti walls near canteen3
i'm in the graffiti !!

It time to head back to bunk as we had plan to go
IT Streets & HanKou.

i suggested to get back to our bunk by the Adventure Route of WUST.

A slope..
Going down~
Down somemore !!
Notice that theres glass on the top of the boundaries wall?
Leaf-less tree..
Zhi Hui eating flower...
he keep complaining that he hungry...Xin Rong acting cute.

Went to IT streets with the usuals.
i was really sleepy and i slept in a shop for an hour..
while the rest were making the best deal with the shop

Despite my triedness...
i join them
( Cristopher, Shu Gen & Kenneth)
to HanKou to shop.

At HanKou we meet up the "AdvanceParty".
We begin our shopping spree..
as the days in China were not long...

Shop for quite alot of things..
mostly for friends..
Spent 500 Rmb
Borrow 500 Rmb.

Gonna get killed by parents when get back to Singapore...

After shopping..

Kenneth, Cristopher
Shu Gen & i
decided to head back to campus for dinner..

Had our dinner
and i turn in early to get some rest after a real long day.

Yellow Crane Shopping At ATM Mall.

Five Days Counting.


Mini Project interview today..
did some last touch up enhancement on my program.
and had lunch with the usual at the usual canteen2.

After lunch, we proceed to our class room to set up our laptop and prepare to present to Mr. Ma
My project programme is design to be use in vending machines.. elaborate how my programme would work to Mr Ma and end of my interview~

went back to bunk and took a little nap till dinner time.
had our dinner outside school the same place where we had on tuesday night.

Ho yea.. Sebastian group going to An Hui tomorrow
so he brought over his group's Singapore Maggie mee to us to help him finish it up.

The food streets sell quite a number of food but all was oily and spicy.
My favourite dish for this dinner was grilled squid with sauce which is not spicy
it was introduce by Kenneth, he said that this store is newly open.
well.. it does not matter is the store is newly open anot..
what matter is that the food is NICE !!!
the squid taste heavenly.. and quite addictive..
the tender of the squid is just nicely done..
Very different to those in Singapore..
unlike Old Chang Kee which is deep fried squid
what more is that the squid is way more CHEAPER~!

after a wonderful dinner, we went to the nearby shop to shop for souviners..
Hey~ that right. SOUVINERS!!

*those who reading this in singapore... please dont get too excited.. you might not have any..*

Went back bunk and rest for the day...
The night is still young..

To Be Continue on 10thApril09...