Sunday, March 8, 2009


yea baby~
its Saturday alright.
and the first trip, excursion around Wuhan..
gathering at 7.40am...

anyway after some time we finally reach our first destination..
almost cant feel my leg already.. the seat's ' leg space ' was very tight.. for my case only..

the ' East Lake '
map of the place
some shots..with yu lun *Ben*
the driver's buggy car accessory
ticketing station
some scenery

statue of

scenery again..
the one in white is our tour guide of the day
xiao Wang~

Group photos at the entrance
xiao Wang~
HuBei Provincial Museum

National treasure
*some famous ancient people*
just imitating
one of the National treasure of china.
it guard the soul of the owner
National treasure
it act some sort like a fridge.
National treasure
fridge like too..
National treasure
old ancient pole holder
*due to 2000 years of submerge in the water the pole had rotten away*
National treasure
world's heaviest musical instrument

its also a musical instrument
different pitch and tone compared to that big one
Pure Gold
White Jade Belt
Largest Sapphire in the world
bronze weapon
bronze arrow head
available in different design and size.

Mr. Ma
a random photos
Lunch at Shou Garden Snacks Street

Mr. Chua
Going to Yellow Crane Tower as a group..

street shop below the Yellow Crane Tower

99 crane
the 100th crane is in the tower itself
read from the right : " Zhuan Guan "
word written by Li Bai
additional dot on the " Zhuan " is because he felt that word itself cannot fulfil the scenery there thus add that dot on it to futher enhance of what he wants to express
Yellow Crane Tower
Yellow Crane Tower entrance ticket
MR. MA :)
Presenting the 100th Crane
( view from the bottom )
the tiles painting was around two storey high
( view from one & a half storey )
close-up on the 100th crane
with the taoist - Lu Dong Bin
view from the tower
zoom in..

structure models of past Yellow Crane Tower
its been destoryed and rebuild for seven times..

" Mao Ze Dong "
Ride back home..
some shots taken on the bus.
Back at WUST

The people here got shorter legs... scenery were quite nice.

Food in Snacks Streets were quite tasty other then the smell of the stinky beancurd... aww..
Saw a uncommon and uncivilise image at near end of the street.
A boy was doing his bowel in the public, with the parent around, the parent didnt do anything to stop him but instead ask him to move to a more shady area to continue his business!!
Next, the street sweeper saw it, she just went over there and sweep it up throw it to the nearest bin.
Theres no much emotion/reaction on her face, so i conclude that this kind of ' happening ' is very common.

The trip at the museum was quite an eye opening, saw quite a lot of impressive bronze and gold metalwork, the handcraft of that time was really professional, not forgetting the coffin of Zhen Hou Yi and learned about the culture of Wuhan.