Thursday, March 19, 2009


Monday's blue...
have lesson as usual.. 9am - 12pm 2pm - 5pm.

Highlights for today :
Interaction Night with the local student.

Randolf's pose
found this art work
which was chuck at one corner of the Singing & Dancing hall
(it feel like a KTV hall)
time to choose which table to go
Let fate decide for me.
Table 14.

The interaction programme begin with her singing
Li Xiang.
She was from my table and when the emcees announce her name out to sing
i was a bit shock
but her voice was nice
and the person itself too.
i would say that she would be this school's Stephanie Sun
and all the songs that they have choosen to sing are from Singapore singers
such as..
Ah Du
Stephanie Sun
Jayden with his new friend

Theres lots of activities throughout the night
Laughter were everywhere
Many of us were enjoying ourself
and of course the interaction with the local student.

From my table
after the self introduce session
question were been thrown at one another
such as age...
the moment they know how young we are
they were like..
whoa.... so young~
well.. i'm not really suprised of their replies
we in the university of Wuhan right...
and so on we continue to chat interecting with one another

with those entertaining performance by the local students
we as guest should have give something in return for their nice hospitality
and its time for our performance.
Oh my God.

We does not have a real solid plan for the performance
but still we decided to sing
' An Jing ' by Jay Chou.
Our vocalist was Shu Gen & Jia Hui.
the rest of us will be the 'sea weed'
at the back swaying from left to right and right to left
and sing along.
Despite the embarasment, all of us are having a great time.

Theres another part of the night which i like
it would be the moment when Mr Chua and a local teacher from
Foreign Language School
(where our classroom is located at)
both of them sang
'Peng You' (Friends) by Zhou Hua Jian
we went up there as a big group and surround both teachers
both arms on shoulders of friends
singing along.

The Interaction Night was thus declared ended.

Best JumpShot of the day.


Departure of the Three Gorges

Woke up early in the morning
hope will be able to see the sun rise but sad to say that
today when i open my eyes
the cruise already stopped at the dock
the only thing i saw was other cruise beside ours and the sun have not rise yet.

Until breakfast time while having those unfilling simple dishes as breakfast
Randolf told me that the view outside is nice.
It's a pity that camera was not with us.

VIP card
After breakfast, the tour guide came to collect the room key and VIP card from us
feel so good to be entitled as VIP.
Actually there's no huge difference of being VIP
Rice still can be refilled as many time as we want.

Anyway having fun is the most important part
who would still bother if you're a VIP or not when having fun

After boarding off the cruise
it's time for the torturing 7hours ride back to school
the most torturing part for me in China.
Everytime after a long hours ride on the bus
both leg feel numb and the space to adjust my leg are VERY LIMITED
can i rent away some length of my leg whenever theres a bus ride?

sleep all the way throughout the ride.

Finally after the long hours ride
we reached school
had lunch at the usual canteen2
slack at bunk
waiting for dinner time.

Someone suggested to have fish ball at Nan Yang again
this will be the second time going there for dinner.

After a 5 mins walk to a row of fish ball restaurant
i suggested that why not we try the ' zi cha' round the restaurant
which Mr Ma said that it quite nice.
So we walk a bit further in
it seems that theres restaurant does not have much customers and they will try to pull you into their restaurant
but after much consideration and the final decision made was to went back to the original plan to have our dinner at Nan Yang Fish Ball Restaurant.

Had a fullful dinner.
Like always, rice is refilled again and again
we always carried this motto when having meal:
" Just Wack la!! "
Eat like there's no tomorrow
alot of people in other part of the world don't even have food to eat
it's a fortune to be able to eat.