Thursday, April 2, 2009


Gotta woke up at 7am again for the 8am IS class..
tired... *yawn*
Morning class for today was continue from yesterday topic " Chinese Traditional Thoughts "
The head of Foreign Language School will be talking about Taoism and Buddhism, an another 4hours of lecture.
When its near the end of the lecture, the last 40 mins, i rest my head down and fall asleep, i was awake by the applause that the class made.

That the end of morning IS class.

I skip lunch due to stomachache and head back bunk first to relive myself, and took a nap till Ernest and Yu Lun woke me up for afternoon2pm class.

We get to experience the local student how they study, with a head set and a mic attach to it and the lecturer in front teaching with his mic and head set on, its hard to imagine now and sorry for no photograph for that.

" Chinese Wedding & Feng Shui " topic for this afternoon lecture, IS again.
It covers on Chinese wedding , Chinese Table Manners and lastly Feng Shui of course.
Chinese wedding in China is similar to Singapore one, not saying about traditional wedding procedure.
Chinese Table Manners, Chinese main eating tool : Chopstick. It amazing that how Chinese including myself to be able to eat with just 2 stick between our index finger and thumb, with the whole hand as it mechanism.

3 don't when using the chopstick:
don't place the chopstick unevenly
don't pay with chopstick
don't point at others with the chopstick

Pointing at other with chopstick is very rude in the eyes of elders, it would seems that the parent did not do a good job in teaching the child.

That what my parents told me when i just started to use chopstick and use it the correctly.

As for the Feng Shui, it mention about the bedroom setting and colours representing element - metal, wood, water, fire and earth, how it would affect you if all the arrangement are done properly.

Class finally ended and head back to bunk.
Guess wat..
Our celling got a beam across the bed room, which is consider a bad feng shui.

" If you have a heavy beam above your bed.........
this is bad feng shui."
a beam above our bed...

The lecturer did mention about bad feng shui would cause you to have bad rest at night..
however it does not seem to be affecting both Ernest and me..
we still sleep like dead logs..

Good News:
and its cost us.. 80 YUAN!!
its damn expensive...
oh god..

Bad News:
Resort trip which is organise by our campus is cancel!!
for the sake of our exam on next wednesday.. 8thApril09...

Rush rush rush~
rush to complete our given assignment~

Sleep Sleep Sleep
Good Night Sleep.


Drawn By Ernest.

April Fool.

Lame jokes and tricks are throw on one another, a fun day to begin with.
IS module for the morning class, by the head of this Foreign Language School which we're in now.
He speak good english, i could understand everyword that he is speaking unlike other Lecturer we had for our previous IS, no wonder he's the head of this school.
Pure 4 hours of lecture with 3 10mins break, on " Chinese Traditional Thoughts ".

Learning about the history of Confucius.

After Class.
We went back to our bunk and saw this sence outside
our apartment building
Repairing the drainage system??
It seems like it..
The hole.
They are actually clearing all the human waste
so that it wont choke up the waste system

Afterward i rush back to the canteen2 basketball court to meet up the rest
Balling in process.

After sawing him jump so high
Conclusion: recovered from his food poisoning.
Live action

We've played for around 45mins..
At the same time
the other court having an interschool basketball tournament
one of the basketball that Mr Chua bought for us to play

Todays menu :
" Fried rice "The female chief of this stallThe way she cook is quite unique
left hand a mini wok
right hand a.. cement flattener toolCooking in processShe cook Good Tasty Fried Rice
Trust me.
though they like to put alot of oil
but can request for less oil and not spicy
The cute bubble tea cup for all the tea we ordered
hot/cold all in this cup.
the stall auntie.
Taiwanese sauage Fried Rice with Egg - 5.50Rmb
CHEAP !!!!
Light painting.
" Jit. "
with me myself and a red angel.

Sleeping in a free aircon environment.


Okay. A brand new day with brand new challenge and experience.

Yet another day with APPG~
That the only module we took here other than IS module.

After completing the Lab6, Lab7 was already there waiting us to be friend with her.
LAB7.............. was really hard to understand, i keep myself awake in order to catch what Mr Ma was teaching.

So the class ended with more white hair...
*i was hopping all my hair turn white so that i don't need to dye my hair white*

Meal time is always the happiest moment here, we ate 'Zhu Chao' for dinner.
We order 7 dishes consist of 2meat , 2 soup and 3 vegetables (2dishes are are same).

This dinner was splendid, the ingredient today were fresh and all of us loves the onions, it's fresh and crunchy.

You are what you eat.

Ernest ate lots of onions and many more.......
All his end product were really distinguishable...
Even if i'm a cat, 9 lives are not enough.

Oh ya!
Dave was much better though he look a little pale.

Time now is past 12am. 1st of April.
Msn messenger pop out a new friend whom i've made during the flight from Singapore to China, Li Zhen.

She asked if my flight back to Singapore was bring forward and so the conversation goes on...
main point was that she mention of her flight was bring forward to 10th April 09 and i belive in her.

Guess what. IT's APRIL FOOL !!! my expression was like.... -.-
Everything was a fake, fall into her April Fool trick.

As the dawn get nearer, i went to bed foolishly