Friday, March 27, 2009


Industrial Visit 2

Today we will be having an industrial visit to Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable Company and a theory test at 4pm...

Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable Company
is one of the top 3 optic fibre listed company in the world and also the
Number One Optical Fibre company in China.
Mr Chua brief us about the do and don't
after we step into the main building
The host.
Explaining the process of making Optical Fibre

Still explaining..
on the process of making the fibre from a thick glass rod to a hair size fibre
by using simplified diagram to allow visitors
to understand the complicated process more clearly
Mr Chua translating the information that the host had gone through not missing any detail
he is a good translator.
Group shot with Mr Ma was taken after a 30mins tour around the factory.
Photography was not allowed during the tour.
Growth of the company over the past
expanding over China
Some information on Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable Company
50% of their product are sold to other client from other company
and some fibres are customise by the client request
the other 50% will be used by the company to make into cables
by binding many fibres together
group Group GROUP SHOTS!!!

Afterward we when back to campus to had our lunch at canteen2
one of the store at canteen2
Something familar?
It says :
Singapore's Claypot Rice.

its dosent taste bad
got the style of Singapore
taste of China.
celling of canteen2
Make.Cook.Hot on your bowl.

Real cool , tasty and cheap.Sprite in glass bottle.
It's rare to see gasy drinks in this kind of package
back there in Singapore where most drink are in cans or plastic bottles.
These glass bottles are not allow to bring out of the canteen
As the drink store holder will came and collect back all these bottles and
return back to the factory to clean, refill it and back on to the market.

It's quite a good strategy in terms of reducing company expanditure
and helping in reducing waste material on Earth.

After lunch we went back to bunk to study for the theory test at 4pm later..
As i was tired
i took a short nap and revise those revision papers that i had done in the past 2 day
the Test was quite difficult but it still manageable.

Next, we had dinner and it rain quite heavily.
Though everyone was drench but we had a great time together~


Woke up in the morning as usual...

APPG was canceled and change to IS due to Mr Ma, he was feeling unwell..
Mr Chua took over the class and for the first time, i saw him being so serious about this IS module and warned that he can fail us if we didnt take this module seriously.
He said this because he saw some of us doing APPG rather then doing IS, no wonder he's unhappy.

After lunch, as Mr Ma felt better, we had APPG for afternoon class. He let us do one set of Theory test papers and gone through it an hour before class end.

Went back bunk after we had our dinner, check our new timetable for the coming semester.
Found out that those who went for this OIP trip are in the same class for next semester : 2b1, quite shocked after i heard about it...

Got to sleep early, theory test tomorrow~