Thursday, March 12, 2009


8am that the time i need to wake up..
Ernest woke me up with all noises he made... again..
the ring tone of my alarm clock is far way nicer the din he made..
drag myself off the bed.. wash myself up and off for breakfast!!

As usual, we went to canteen1, we ordered buns and some ' dim sum ' for breakfast,
the usual peeps bought hot soya milk which is real pipping HOT !!
both Ernest and i ordered hot tea instead.

Module : APPG
another fun day programming, though it quite confusing but it's quite easy to get the hang of it.
the class room desktop.
all in Chinese.
along the roadside of the campus
have many of this type of rubbish bin that have two sides of waste entrance
one is for recyclable waste
another is for non-recycle waste
although this is the only place i saw these kind of bin
but at lest this university try to save the environment.
yong xin's lappy
her keyboard is full of COW-related stickers...
i got problem using her lappy
wonder how she type..

at night do some APPG assignment and then off to bed!!

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