Tuesday, March 31, 2009


APPG start at 10am today~ ho ho ho..

Had a very good night rest and feel quite refreshing as the morning shine.

Okay. We did lab6 for APPG the whole day, it was damn difficult, all my hair are turning white.
as the class end for the day, we had a very quick dinner in campus at the usual canteen2.

Rather then going back to bunk, i went to the clique dorm where Kenneth, Cris, Jia Hui, Shu Gen is and later part of the night Ernest join us. We did Lab6 together, though it quite tedious but with all of us putting all the bits and pieces together, we finally completed Lab6. Great sense of accomplishment is in each of us.

At the same time when we heard about Dave got food poisoning and was admitted to the school's clinic. All of us were stun, " OH MY GOD " expression can be seen on their faces and of course, at much later time we ask Jermey about Dave status.

Hmm.. what might cause this?
Well, i suppose that everyone would assume that the cause of Dave food poisoning would be the BBQ's food from yesterday.
The posibility are there, but how come only him got food poisoning...
Maybe he got a weak stomach, or ate too much raw food.
It still best to eat food that is cooked or slightly burned in BBQ to avoid this kind of situation happening.

Still... it's good to see everyone is in good health after the BBQ and hope that Dave will get better tomorrow.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Sunday!!!! FREE & EASY!!!!!
went to the IT streets again
to buy a mp4
and a tripod.

as we had a bbq interaction with the local student at 5.30pm sharp
we went back earlier and had a late lunch

we bought a total of 7 Mp4
each cost 235 Rmb - 4Gb
and theres a slot for micro SD card
quite cool eh!!
The se7en.
after a short rest back at bunk
we went over to the bbq area
took this pic while walking
quite random...
Shadow of Ernest
Shadow of Jit.
BBQ - Problem 1
No fire starter.
Oh My God.
This is the first BBQ that is a challenge to me..
need to start burn the charcoal.
collect dry grass, light the fire, blow and blow and blow
we even got a blowing team. hahax

though it would seems to be the worst bbq ever
but to me it's a very good experience
to experience how olden folks in china start their fire to cook

here comes the Problem 2:
everything was in pitch darkness
and could not determind whether our food been cooked
luckily some of us brought torch light from Singapore.
yes, we did manage to START cooking at our pit
the small bun (man tou) & pork kebak Rocks!!
Another random pic
as the bbq was not filling enough
(we're always hungry...)
so we went over to the opposite
to eat.. NAN YANG Fishball again...

despite the previous bbq food we have eaten..
we still able to eat 3 bowl of rice..

After a proper dinner
we went back bunk to get some rest..

oh man..
i smell like the pork kebak..


A Day in HanKou

The day begin with downpours and cold wind blowing~
Both Kenneth & I were hopping for snow though it is impossible, well we did say hope right?
The cold freezing morning was warm up by a cup of hot red tea, bring back by the clique from canteen2 while both Kenneth and i waiting for them at the entrance to see if our bus had arrived.

Waiting~After a short journey ride of around 2 hours
we REACH HaKou !!! woot!

On the way to HanKou Shopping Street
from Han Kou Jiang Tan We had our lunch at ' Dicos '
Had a real bad experience there
and the food there does not taste good and the service is poor...

We does not have much choice due to the rain and hunger
introducing JIA HUI!!
Cristopher and Nicki
Shu Gen

We went to many shops along the streets but this shop which i think is the best
' Meters/bonwe '
Love to go back and shop again~
Make a guess who is he..

He is Jay Chou.
i know don't look like him but it is.
A very different image especially with specs.
In China
if request for a carrier
an additional charge will impose on buying the carrier.

Normally for those supermarket thinner carrier cost 0.30Rmb
where in this shop where the carrier in a much better quilt cost 1Rmb.

This action is similar to Singapore first Wednesday of every month
where supermarkets such as NTUC fair-price will charge you if request for carrier
in which i think that here in China where this activity is on daily basis
which will reduce people in using carrier and save the environment
a vey old school fire-fighter water tap
not sure what is it called......

when free and easy time are going to an end,
we walk back to the HanJiang Tan to meet up with the rest

Han Kou Jiang Tan
Everyone was having fun!
Baby Face~
all acting cute
Our tour guide
the last time we be seeing him..
Farewell. Hope that he will do well in his career.

As we will be passing The Yellow Crane area while back to campus
the tour guide ask us if we still want shop
more than half the group wanted to continue shopping
and was drop off at near the shopping district.

We went into a building where it sold all the imitation goods.

Happenings at night~
After we hae all done our shopping
we went to this food street and had our dinner.
Oh yea~
SOUP BUN for dinner!!
this time round the soup bun was way much more better the the previous.
We all had a second round of soup bun as it was too delicious~
hot juicy
Eating happily~
it indeed live up to its title
King of Soup Bun.
Time to go.
we took a taxi back to campus.
Bought a pair of converse imitation..
shoe size 44.
buying shoes in China is a tough task to complete
as most of the maximum shose size is 43.
why the locals have such small feet..

back at the bunk
after Ernest had his shower
he ran out and shout at me to take a look at the shower head..
Everything look fine from here..
now the you can even use the shower head as a PHONE !!
while you are still showering
Yup, thats right the showerhead broke off...
don't know what he has done to it..
poor showerhead...

Up next.
Global event concern about the climatic change:

8.30pm Saturday March 28, 2009
-Lights-off to see your world in a new light-

We off all the light in our appartment from 8.30pm till 9.30pm.
save the earth
even one can make a difference.

When we off our lights..
Out there on the road, houses are still lighted.
This event which started on 2008
with only 35 countries and over 400 cities supporting this event
Now Earth Hour 2009
with an increasing of 34 countries and more than 4,000 cities joined in this event
and beside saving the earth though only 60mins
but the money saved is a huge amount.

If China oso took part in this event
i think it would also motivate other countires to support this event

save the earth.
one does make a different.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Industrial Visit 2

Today we will be having an industrial visit to Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable Company and a theory test at 4pm...

Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable Company
is one of the top 3 optic fibre listed company in the world and also the
Number One Optical Fibre company in China.
Mr Chua brief us about the do and don't
after we step into the main building
The host.
Explaining the process of making Optical Fibre

Still explaining..
on the process of making the fibre from a thick glass rod to a hair size fibre
by using simplified diagram to allow visitors
to understand the complicated process more clearly
Mr Chua translating the information that the host had gone through not missing any detail
he is a good translator.
Group shot with Mr Ma was taken after a 30mins tour around the factory.
Photography was not allowed during the tour.
Growth of the company over the past
expanding over China
Some information on Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable Company
50% of their product are sold to other client from other company
and some fibres are customise by the client request
the other 50% will be used by the company to make into cables
by binding many fibres together
group Group GROUP SHOTS!!!

Afterward we when back to campus to had our lunch at canteen2
one of the store at canteen2
Something familar?
It says :
Singapore's Claypot Rice.

its dosent taste bad
got the style of Singapore
taste of China.
celling of canteen2
Make.Cook.Hot on your bowl.

Real cool , tasty and cheap.Sprite in glass bottle.
It's rare to see gasy drinks in this kind of package
back there in Singapore where most drink are in cans or plastic bottles.
These glass bottles are not allow to bring out of the canteen
As the drink store holder will came and collect back all these bottles and
return back to the factory to clean, refill it and back on to the market.

It's quite a good strategy in terms of reducing company expanditure
and helping in reducing waste material on Earth.

After lunch we went back to bunk to study for the theory test at 4pm later..
As i was tired
i took a short nap and revise those revision papers that i had done in the past 2 day
the Test was quite difficult but it still manageable.

Next, we had dinner and it rain quite heavily.
Though everyone was drench but we had a great time together~